iPad 3 to be the “iPad HD”?

Rumors on the Apple’s newest addition to the iPad family are flying around the internet as Apple’s March 7 media event approach.

One leak to come out lately might have debunked the possibility of an “iPad 3”.

Gizmodo.com, the tech blog known for revealing the iPhone 4, is reporting that the next iPad could possibly be the “iPad HD”.

This reveal is according to part listings from accessory manufacturers Griffin and Belkin, which show their case descriptions with the “iPad HD (3)” listing.

Apple, who is known for being super-secretive about their products, withholds information from the manufacturers until the last minute, only giving out specifications of the product.

All these rumors, must be kept with a grain of salt though as similar rumors where slating the iPhone 4S to be the iPhone 5. We will have to wait until March 7 to find out the truth.




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