Last week’s reports that the next iPad will be dubbed the “iPad HD” are getting close to being 100% true., the tech blog that revealed the iPhone 4 to the world, reported last week on the iPad name rumors. They are reporting today that Venture Beat, another tech news site, is confirming the “iPad […]
Update: “iPad 3” out, “iPad HD” in
March 6th, 2012 — comm361, jakemclernon
What’s on the Giz
February 7th, 2012 — comm361, jakemclernon
Profile on, a Gawker media tech blog There are two things that “click” with me. Video games and technology. I love both of them and try and stay fully up to date on news about the two. For me, Gizmodo is my answer. Gizmodo, which started up in 2002, is a tech blog that […]