What’s on the Giz

Profile on Gizmodo.com, a Gawker media tech blog

There are two things that “click” with me. Video games and technology.

I love both of them and try and stay fully up to date on news about the two. For me, Gizmodo is my answer.

Gizmodo, which started up in 2002, is a tech blog that features news on electronics, nerd interests and techie rumors. They post short briefs with long two-page stories that feature either photos or videos on the topic.

As Briggs described in “Journalism Next”, a good blog is controversial and interesting. The Giz has experienced plenty of it.

You may have Gizmodo as the news outlet that revealed the iPhone 4 back in 2010. They broke news by posting revealing photos of a “lost and found” prototype iPhone 4 which Apple seized from them later on.

I mostly pay attention to the video and photo news, but the other stories they publish are just as entertaining. Gizmodo truly feels like a great example of the balance between “info-tainment”.


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