Late Night Patriot: Our Set Up

Last week, I began to talk about how we started Late Night Patriot, Mason’s livestreamed news broadcast. My team and I have successfully completed 3 shows to-date and are going into our fourth show.
I wanted to talk about our set up, basically what we use to broadcast and how we broadcast.

When I first came up with the idea of Late Night Patriot, I only had my Macbook and a Canon GL2 to broadcast. Many of the people who I had approached were wary of me using a single camera set up, saying to me “It couldn’t be done.” “It won’t look good.”

They were right for the most part. When we did our first show, we were using an iPad with as the the teleprompter, a single GL2 for the camera and the stream running off the Macbook. We literally turned the camera to go to the next part of the show and had done this until the 3rd show.

What was spectacular is that before we into the third show, Paul Moore and Josh Cruse, my off-camera crew, (who are awesome by the way), took the initiative to head to the student video center and they found a video and audio switcher.


From there, we found a second camera, hooked up several monitors and mics and are now going to be working with using another computer to run prerecorded materials during the broadcast.

We’ve made great strides and will continue to do so. Look forward to more as it comes.

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