For the second time in a row, I was able to give a great workshop to those who asked. Instead of being basic, I decided to go into how to shoot a quick and easy sequence of shots.
The BBC 5 shot method is an easy way to create a montage of images that stitch together a simple sequence. For the sequence, you shoot 5 shots, hopefully in order:
1. A medium shot.
2. Close-up shot.
3. Hands shot.
4. Over-the-Shoulder shot.
5. A random, but relevant shot, usually a wide shot.
The medium shot acts as a set-up shot, giving you something to start the sequence with. The close-up shot allows you to better focus in on your subject and the hands shot shows actions being performed by the subject. The over-the-shoulder shot shows interaction with the subject and another object or person and finally the random shot goes into a transition for a quote.
With all these shots, you can’t fail.
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