Response to Chapter 8 of “Journalism Next”

A photo captures a single moment. A video captures the entire moment and beyond.

This book just keeps getting better and better.

I keep on reiterating in these responses that I’m the photo and video editor for and that I live online journalism day-by-day. As such, I cannot stress how important reading chapter 8 of “Journalism Next” is for someone trying to get into journalism in today’s world.

Mark my words and I hope that they sink in. Video is the next revolution in journalism whether it’s print, online or television. Video is the future for journalists. Know it, understand how to create it and perfect it. This will set you apart from the rest of the people going for the same spot you are.

My statement rings truth with Briggs’ statement in the beginning of the chapter.

“Digital video is so easy that millions of amateurs worldwide are also publishing frequently. By mid 2009, YouTube reported that 20 hours of footage was being uploaded to the video-sharing site every minute.”

There are several things that go into producing a great video and Briggs hits them right on the head.

-Use different approaches for different projects

-Try storyboarding

-Mix your shots

-Build five shot sequences

Not only does all of that count, but most important is your sound. Sound, in my opinion, makes up 80% of your video. You can have a great edited piece of footage put together with all the best quotes and people to tell them, but if the sound is bad, people won’t tune in and watch the whole clip.

My best recommendation for sound is that you read over pages 232 and 233. They’ll tell you everything you need to know.


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